The camp took place in a so called "Højskole". Denmark had 76 'folk high school bording schools' by the end of 2009. The concept of these schools was inspired by the need to educate those not fortunate enough to have an education and the poor who could not spare the time or the money to attend a university. It is still very common to attent a "Højskole" e.g. between graduation and university.
During the camp we were allowed to use the gym, fitnesstudio and other rooms of the students.
We talked and learned about a lot of different things. We started presenting our EVS projects to the others and had some time to talk about our experiences so far. But we were also discussing why the Danes are who they are and where their different behaviour comes from. Or we were trying to figure out which of our thoughts were actually limiting to us and how we could use our talents to start our own project in our working place.
But as you can see in the pictures below we also had time to bake Christmas cookies, play games, make some music, visit the city and have a lot of fun. :-)