I’ve had one of ‘those moments‘ yesterday evening and I thought it would be a good example to write down:
I was sitting at my desk, drinking some coffee and talking to my boyfriend on Skype when suddenly I heard the other two girls talking loudly in the living room. It was easy to hear that they were shocked, excited or angry for some reason. Not even five seconds later I was pulled out of my thoughts by a scream: „MARIIIEEEE! MARIIIIIEEEEEE!“. I was pretty sure it must be something really important because we usually never call each other when we know the other one is talking on the phone or Skype. Another scream: „MARIEEEEE! IT’S SNOOWIIIING!“. Wait. In the school they talked about snow this weekend. But REALLY?! SNOW?! NOW?! I was running out of my room. It was kind of a surprise to all of us but I was laughing so hard about the tone of Tania’s voice. Well, I didn’t expect it to snow tonight but snow in November is nothing sooo special to me. If you grew up in the South of Spain it is apparently a reason to freak out as soon as you discover the first snowflakes. When I entered the living room the girls were standing outside of the door to the garden, watching snowflakes in the size of a 2-Euro-coin falling down, covering the grass and everything else. You should have seen the excitement in Tania’s eyes sending voice messages to her friends or family to tell them the winter has finally fully arrived in Denmark and we are watching the first snowflakes powdering Løgstør.