Back to Denmark
After two amazing weeks in Germany Samuel and me packed our things and flew to Denmark. We spent the whole week together in Nordjylland. We've had a great time going for long walks along the Fjord in Løgstør, which was completely frozen as you can see on the pictures below. It might also give you a picture of how cold it is up here. I always thought salt-water could not be frozen. And it is kind of weird to see the beach covered by snow since I'm only used to be at the beach in summer. On some days we made day trips to Aalborg, Århus and Mariager. When we were in Århus the weather was so bad that we couldn't see the sea although we were standing right in front of it. So we decided to visit the Art museum which is kind of famous here. In Mariager we had lunch at the waterfront and went for a walk. In the evenings we were cooking together, relaxing and watching movies or "Tatort". We fully enjoyed spending some more time together before Samuel finally flew back to Germany today.